Thursday, September 25, 2008

Big Day

Yesterday was a big day in the Lugo household. Katelyn had her first day of gymnastics. She did great! She clung to me at first and was very shy. She didn't quite understand what her teacher wanted her to do. But I stood by her side and helped her. About halfway through the class she warmed up to what was going on and got right into it. I think she'll do even better next Wednesday since she knows what's going on.

Kylie had a busy day, too. My baby girl got her pretty little ears pierced. She was mad at first, but now she doesn't even fuss a bit about it. Unfortunately, she had to get some shots, too. But she was a trooper. She had her check-up and weighs 13 lbs, 10 oz (50th percentile). She's 26 inches long (95th percentile). So I have a tall baby. Other than her piercing and shots, she did very well.

I'm so proud of my babies!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your girls but did really well !

Karyn with a Y said...

It sounds like you are doing great! I miss hearing about the girls. I am glad I found your blog. I may have to get your advice on two girls. :) Post some pics.