Sunday, November 23, 2008

Busy, Busy

I just want to write a quick update. It's been a while since I've posted anything. I am now back at work. It was very difficult the first week or so, but now we're getting into a routine. I miss the girls so much while I'm gone. I'm glad Thanksgiving is coming up so I'll have a few extra days off to be with them.

Katelyn is still in gymnastics. She's doing very well. She has a little bit of trouble listening, which has caused her to get hurt (minor) a few times, but she's sticking it out and loves it.

Kylie is sitting up now, but still falls over once in a while. She loves to play on the floor with her toys. She's getting so big. She's 6 months old today! I can't believe it.

I'll try to give more detailed updates later. Going back to work has kept me very busy.